Wanna score?
Our Umpire columnist Joan Brotherton explains the intricacies of scoring during a game.
You have entered an event and are not too sure how and what to do with the scorecard. You approach the Controlling Body for details and then ask the Umpire to explain further.
Details on the procedures to be adopted regarding the scorecard can be found under Law 40.1.7 on page 59 which is part of the Skip’s duties.
The skip must: be responsible for the scorecard supplied by the Controlling Body while play is in progress. make sure that the names of all players of both teams are correctly entered on the scorecard. record, on the scorecard, all shots scored for and against both teams as each end is completed. compare and agree on the score-card with that of the opposing skip as each end is completed. at the end of the game, record on the scorecard the time that the game nished and then sign their own and the opposing skip’s scorecard.
The above is how the scorecard should be kept and completed, however for domestic play the duties of the player lling out the scorecard can be transferred to other members of the team.
NOTE: these duties must be transferred to players whose positions, in order of play are the same in each team – 40.1.9.
The domestic ruling – DR.3.2 on page 120 is as follows:
DR.3.2.1 In Singles – the marker is responsible for keeping, completing and dealing with the card as per Law 42.
DR.3.2.2 In Pairs – the skip of each team.
DR.3.2.3 In Triples – the skip of each team.
DR.3.2.4 In Fours – the second of each team.
As above indicates, it is very important how the scorecard is kept and completed and when both players agree that the scorecard has been filled out correctly and signed, it is then handed to the controlling body for their attention and action.
This will, of course, depend on the type of competition/event the players are competing in, however, it is important that both cards are handed in as that is a record of the game played and completed.
40.1.8 For domestic play, Member National Authorities can decide the procedures for using a scoreboard instead of one of the scorecards.
DR.3.1.1 The scoreboard may be updated at any time by any person but must be updated at least every second end and the Skip is responsible for ensuring it is correct as per the scorecard, except if the responsibility for the scorecard has been passed from the Skip to the Second in Fours as per DR.3.2.4 then the Second is responsible for the accuracy of the scoreboard.
As you can see from above any person can update the scoreboard and that is why it can be updated each end particularly when a Master Board is being used and spectators and players are watching the progress of the scores e.g. in Pennant/various finals etc. but I do emphasise that the player responsible for the scorecard i.e.
Skip in Pairs/Triples and Second in Fours must make sure the scoreboard is correct as per the scorecard.