Update from Bowls Queensland: COVID-19 (Coronavirus) 30 March 2020
Statement by the Prime Minister
Last night the Prime Minister stated that public gatherings have been dropped down from 10 to two persons in public spaces and other areas of gathering, except for members of your household. People should stay at home unless shopping, seeking medical care, exercise or working.
Strong advice – that people aged 70 and over should stay at home and self-isolate for their own protection to the maximum extent practicable. Bowlers younger than this should check in with their friends over 70 via phone or video link-up and also support each other through this period, maybe offer to go to the supermarket or chemist etc for them?
Greenkeepers/Club Administration
The closure of clubs does not stop greenkeeping/administration staff and/or volunteers attending the clubs for these purposes. Some clubs are still operating takeaway food or alcohol practices. As long as they are following guidelines from the Government including hygiene and social distancing measures etc.
Playing Bowls
As per advice from Australian/QLD Governments and also the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR), playing bowls and roll ups are not allowable at this point in time.
I have spoken with the QLD Minister for Sport and also contacted the OLGR. I asked the question can bowls clubs still play bowls while their club is shut as per golf with distancing rules etc. Their response is below……
“Unfortunately no. The direction from the Chief Health Officer on non-essential business closures lists registered and licensed clubs as an entertainment venue. The only exceptions to this are bottle shops and off-license premises attached to venues and golf clubs for outdoor sporting-based activities, with social distancing observed.
The full direction can be viewed here – https://www.health.qld.gov.au/system-governance/legislation/cho-public-health-directions-under-expanded-public-health-act-powers/non-essential-business-closure-direction
Please keep an eye on our website and Facebook page for ongoing advice.”
Latest Information
Please find attached latest info from Bowls Australia re what is available.
Some of the support listed within the document is available to Queensland Not for Profit Clubs with no employees, such as:
- $500 rebate on electricity bills
- Waving of liquor licensing fees
- Loans of up to $250K of three years with no repayments for six months
Also, we would encourage all Clubs/Associations to complete the impact form via the link listed in the document to help the lobbying to the Queensland Government:
If shutdowns have affected their business – the form can be found here:https://forms.office.com/FormsPro/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=sAmvAfH7kUOR8Gqe1zGoJZZDKN9KhxpJsD3KeiTrjV1UMEsxUUhZRk82Rkg4QTE3RUFaTzREM1dPVS4u
Clubs will be in the best position to know how badly they have been or will be affected.
Both Bowls Queensland and Bowls Australia will advocate to State and Federal Governments, in coalition with other sports, that community-based sporting organisations require further support. We also expect further announcements of support will be made in coming months, as this is a rapidly changing environment.
I have spoken with the QLD Minister for Sport with our sports concerns, we have also been working with the QLD Sport and Rec Department and Qsport.
Clubs will need to contact their local Councils in regard to assistance with rates etc. Sport and Rec have also indicated they will speak with Local Councils re sporting organisations.
We will continue to monitor what is available for all our clubs.
Brett Wilkie
CEO – Bowls Queensland