Greater Brisbane area: Should you wear a mask while playing bowls?

by jgrey on January 12, 2021

When you are not on the bowling green, you are “strongly encouraged to wear a mask in outdoor spaces when you cannot physically distance”. You must carry a face mask with you at all times. See link below:

Also, Chief Health Officer Dr Jeanette Young answers some questions about wearing a mask after the recent easing of restrictions in the Greater Brisbane region from 6pm last night (Monday, 11 January).

In particular, Dr Young has answered the following question applicable to bowlers in the Greater Brisbane region.

Q: Do I need to wear a face mask when I exercise indoors or outdoors? What about team sports?

A: Outdoors – no. But, your spectators, if they can’t socially distance, they need to. Indoors, all spectators must wear a mask and people playing should wear a mask, unless they become out of breath or can’t breathe properly, then it’s a safety issue and they shouldn’t wear a mask. This is the same for team sports indoors. Team sports outdoors – there is no need to wear a mask.

See video below at 2 mins 15 seconds to hear Dr Young’s full answer to this question.