50 years for Maureen at the Albert
By Janelle Westlake
The Ladies Section of The Albert Bowls Club recently held a special day to celebrate 50 years at the club for Maureen Dodt. Maureen is 87 years old and still skipping teams and playing.
Maureen has an impressive list of achievements under her belt as listed below. Well done and thank you, Maureen!
27/07/1972 – 20/07/2021 (50 YEARS)
President: 1988 1989
Games Director 1998
Championship Singles 1992 2006 2007 2008
Championship Pairs
- 1993 B Booth
- 2005 B Webb
- 2014 J Waters
Championship Triples
- 1988 B Booth & D Bermingham
- 2000 D Bermingham & B Webb
- 2007 J Waters & B Webb
Championship Fours
- 1997 S Saunders, C White, E Schroeder
- 2005/2007/2008/2009 J. Paff, S Saunders, E Schroeder
- 2010/2013 P Tarrant J Paff, S Saunders
- 2016 L Locker, S Saunders, J Paff
Handicap Singles 2000/2008/2015/2019
Gympie Association
- 1999 E Kunst
- 1991 S Cummings, D Watt, E Kunst
- 2008 J Paff, S Saunders, E Schroeder (C of C)
- 2016 L Locker, S Saunders, J Paff