Pine Rivers Ladies present cheque to DVO charity
By Susan Williams
At the recent Pine Rivers Ladies Bowls Club Presidents at Home Day, President Ann Heidke presented a cheque for $5,300 to the CEO of DV Connect, Rebecca O’Connor.
This fantastic achievement was the result of monies raised with special raffles and a recent stall at our Friendship and Charity Day in September. These funds were accumulated over two years club closures due to Covid-19 required our current president to continue her role for two years instead of the usual one year term. This meant that the president Ann’s selected charity fundraising was also carried over for two years and hence became a very useful amount for the charity.
DV Connect helps Queenslanders find pathways to safety, away from domestic, family and sexual violence.
The Pine Rivers Ladies’ Bowls Club would like to thank all members and visitors who contributed in any way to this collection.