CLUB EMU’S COME & TRY DAY brings in new members
By Kim Martin
Late last year, Club Emu Park Bowls on the Capricorn Coast held a Come & Try Day in conjunction with the Bowls Qld initiative. The club had embarked on a reinvigoration program to build up membership and the Come & Try Day came at a perfect time to support what the club was already doing.
Bowls Qld provided promotional flyers and posters that were distributed widely around the local community and business sector by bowls club members. Fortunately, the day dawned a perfect Central Queensland day, with warm clear skies and a gentle cooling coastal breeze.
The official start time was 2pm, but a couple of keen punters arrived early and were itching to get going. Across the afternoon, between 15 and 20 people dropped by to have a go. For a small community, this was a very pleasing result indeed. The majority of the “tryers” got right into it and stayed the whole afternoon.
As a result of the day, a couple of “tryers” have already joined the club, with the prospect of a few more joining in the foreseeable future. Club President Steve Farmer said all up, it proved a very successful day and the club would be very keen to run a similar day again in the future.