Australian Police Bowls Championships
Keen bowlers from policing agencies across the country assembled on the Gold Coast in early May for the Australian Police Bowls Championships. The carnival, held at Coolangatta Bowls Club, consisted of current, retired and former police officers and employees representing Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia.
The carnival began with an opening ceremony involving local school choirs, Queensland Police Pipes and Drums, Dog Squad, Highway Patrol and Mounted Police and was attended by commissioned officers from Queensland Police Service and New South Wales Police Force.
On one of the days, the carnival played for a Police Legacy Charity Day. Funds raised will be presented to Police Legacy at a presentation dinner. The Queensland Police Bowls Club and participants look forward to the opportunity to give back and presenting funds raised to Police Legacy at the dinner.
Queensland Police Legacy aims to provide ongoing assistance to the eligible dependent families of deceased Queensland Police Officers with the primary focus to ensure the dependent children of those families receive the education their parents intended for them, that they deserve and that they may have been deprived of due to circumstance.
Images and words contributed by State of Queensland (Queensland Police Service) 2022