Monto Presidents’ Day & Life Member
The Monto Bowls Club recently held its annual combined Presidents’ Day when Ladies’ President Phyllis Williams and Men’s President Barry Woodall welcomed players from the Port Curtis and Burnett Districts, plus seven teams from Across The Waves club in Bundaberg.
During the festivities, the Men’s Port Curtis District President Bill Sophias presented Barry with the District Pennant flag recently won by Monto club and badges were presented to players by Life Member John James. Club members and visitors also congratulated and honoured John, who had reached his 50th year of club membership.
John joined the Monto Men’s Bowling Club on 22 March 1972. Several years ago, the club became the Monto Bowling Club Inc when the ladies and men’s sections were unified. He volunteers many hours at the club, whilst still playing and enjoying the game and the friendship of other members. He has won numerous competitions at home and away, has held office and mentored many others in club roles. John has been a dedicated green director, a local selector, opens the club on playing days and arranges most of the raffles for these days. John has been ably supported by his wife Peg, who has also contributed much to the local club, including being the Ladies’ Secretary for many years. John said he was humbled by the kind words and presentation made to him in recognition of his milestone and thanked everyone.
Contributed by Bronwen Torrens