Rookie Roller Kits
By Lesley Bates
Mackay and North Queensland Men’s and the Central Queensland Ladies’ Districts were successful in applying for grants to provide clubs with Rookie Roller Kits. These kits are available from Bowls Australia for $550 each and they were designed for primary aged children.
Diana Vaughan, Ladies’ Secretary and Althea Vaughan, President of Central and I shared a lovely afternoon composing the grant application and we are thrilled to share this wonderful feedback:
Llew Morris, Secretary, Diggers Memorial Bowls Club wrote:
- “On behalf of President Dave Millar and the members of Diggers Memorial Bowls Club, I am writing to express our sincere gratitude for the Rookie Rollers kit which you presented to us on August 24. The kit has already been put to use as we had a class of 22 students from Heights College here this morning learning about the sport of lawn bowls. We have students from Heights College coming for the next seven weeks together with a group of students from North Rocky High, so the kit will be well used. Once again thank you, we really appreciate this gift.”
Moyna Richardson, Junior Bowls Co-ordinator Rockhampton Bowls Club wrote:
- “I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your committee for providing the juniors at the Rockhampton Bowls Club with a Junior Rookies Bowls Kit. The kit will be a welcome addition to our junior resources. This will allow younger children to discover how enjoyable bowls can be. Finding funds for new equipment is always a challenge, so a helping hand like this is appreciated.”
The districts were also successful in receiving funds for several Umpire Kits that have been distributed to local and outlying clubs. I am thrilled when I see these essential pieces of equipment being utilised at events at all levels of competition.

Steve Farmer from Emu Park Bowls Club receiving a kit from Althea and Diana