Gracemere’s Gloria celebrates her 90th birthday
Gloria Bond, of Gracemere Bowls Club, celebrated her 90th birthday with a luncheon at the club and shared the day with family and friends. She was also presented with her Matriarch Badge.
Gloria Bond joined Gracemere Ladies Bowls Club in 2006, after transferring from Welfare Bowls Club in Mt. Morgan. She was the Ladies’ President from 2007 to 2011, after which she joined the Ladies’ Committee and is still a part of the committee today. Glora has won many Ladies Fours Championships and club games during her time at the club.
Unfortunately, due to a fall in 2021, Gloria no longer plays bowls but remains active in helping the club whenever she can.
Gloria was in for a surprise when, after a break in at the club the previous night, Sergeant Josh White from the Rockhampton Forensic Squad arrived to do some fingerprinting. He happily joined in the celebrations and called in the base by two way radio to sing happy birthday to Gloria, which was the highlight of her day
Contributed by Ros Newman