Bowls is a fantastically fun, low impact sport that can be played by practically anyone in the community, regardless of age, gender or physical ability. Whether you’re searching for a fun and friendly pass-time or an outlet for your inner competitor, bowls may be the sport for you.
By far the easiest way to get involved is to drop in at your local club and organise a couple of coaching sessions. You will find bowlers are friendly and quick to offer advice on playing the sport, while the club coach will be happy to explain the basics, before taking you through your paces on the green.
If, however, you would like to do a little online research before making your first foray into the wonderful world of bowls, we have put together some interesting and informative resources for newcomers.
The History of Bowls offers an insight into the evolution of the sport, from its humble beginnings as a stone-rolling game in ancient Egypt to the highly-developed Commonwealth Games sport enjoyed by millions around the world today. Bowls 101 provides information on the basics of bowls, including the objectives of the game and some of the terminology in use today. Etiquette gives a brief rundown of the dos and don’ts of bowls, both on and off the green, while Bowls Queensland’s Beginner’s Guide is a wrap-up of all the information you will need to successfully begin your bowling career.
And remember, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact Bowls Queensland on:
(07) 3354 0777