Mystery prize winners L-R: Barbara Black, Judy Roberts, Jan Myatt & Dianne Whimp

Spring Day at Victoria Point

by bqmedia

The Annual Spring Flower Day, first played in 1994, was held in September at Victoria Point BC. It has always been an important day on our yearly calendar and this year we received entries from 20 teams from the following clubs: Beenleigh, Cleveland, Logan City, Manly, Mt. Gravatt, Paradise Point, Wellington Point and our members from Victoria Point.

The day commenced with a delicious morning tea, Round 1 of 15 ends followed by an enjoyable lunch, then Round 2 of 15 ends with afternoon tea and presentations. We also had a wonderful raffle table, pick-of-the-table, hand-made craft articles and a display of Henselite products.

Contributed by Joan Brotherton

Runners-up L-R: Jenny Mills, Tamara Davis, Robyn Millard & Ann Van Der Loose
Winners L-R: Stephanie Carrington, Maggie Helmn, Lorraine Newton & Lesley Jaskowski
Raffle table
Handmade craft stall
Jacky Cherry dressed for spring