Toogoolawah’s Valley of the Lakes Carnival
Toogoolawah Bowls Club recently held the 38th Valley of the Lakes Carnival, sponsored by the local IGA.
This event was started by Neville Denman in 1984, still a great supporter of the club, who was then supported by the owner of the Exchange Hotel, Max Bower and his son-in-law Bruce Reid. The XXXX brewery tossed in a keg of beer and away it all went.
The original carnival started with a visit from a bus load of Brisbane bowlers who played bowls on the Saturday, stayed the night and played again on Sunday. It didn’t have a name until the following year.
The year after that, Tyrone Richter assisted with the very successful two-day event, which continued for many years and led to its success today.
Five games came down to the last game to determine the outcome. Winners on the day were Neil Jennings team; runners-up Clayton Foster’s team; third Steve Blessley’s team; fourth Josh Haira’s team; fifth, Rob Wiemer’s team and finally the last prize went to Barra Bob’s team.
We were extremely fortunate to have such great weather throughout the event.
Congratulations to all the contestants and a great thank you to the small, but wonderful, band of volunteers from our little club who made this possible.
Contributed by Keith McWhirter