Buderim holds successful Come & Try Day

by bqmedia

If your club has ever considered hosting a Come & Try day and wondered if it was worth the while, then look no further than Buderim Bowls Club who hosted their day on Sunday, October 16.

The day was planned to go from 11am to 1pm, followed by a band on the green. Well, with the assistance from Bowls Queensland advertising the event and the club being very active within the community and on Facebook, the day ended up being a massive success with more than100 people turning up for the event.

The band set up on the green at 1pm while there were people still bowling either side of the band until after 4pm. Not only was the day a financial success for the club, but they offered free membership for the rest of 2022, and they received 11 new forms with eight ladies and three men.

The community had a wonderful day with a lot of laughs and fun being had by everyone. The club itself could not believe the success of the day and are already planning to host similar events more regularly moving forward.

A big congratulations to the club for making the effort; this shows the effort you put into an event can bring great results and has put the club on the map in Buderim. Below is an extract from the club’s newsletter:

“What a huge weekend! Sunday morning saw our Come & Try day successfully completed, with many thanks to the Ladies’ and Men’s members outstanding support. As a result of this event, we had eight Ladies’ and three Men’s applications for membership.

Following on from the Come & Try bowls, the band ‘Hen Pecked’ took to the front green and played some outstanding music to a packed crowd.

Thank you to all members who supported the event, especially the volunteers and staff who ensured its success.”

Great work Team Buderim

By RBM David Barnes