Closing Soon! Bowls Queensland Board Nominations
Nominations are open for three positions:
- President
- Director x 2
Click here to download the 2023 Board Interactive Nomination form (PDF)
Click here to download 2023 poster
Closing Date: Friday 27th January 2023 at 4.00pm
Lodgement: Nominations to be lodged with Bowls Qld either by:
- Mail: PO Box 476, Alderley, Qld 4051
- Email:
- Fax: 3354 0788
- In Person: Bowls Qld office, 72 Pickering Street, Enoggera
The above positions are open to financial members of clubs affiliated with Bowls Qld.
Any nominee for the above position(s) must have a valid blue card which has an expiry date after the relevant annual election.
Nomination forms available from affiliated bowls clubs, districts, Bowls Qld office or BQ website