Innisfail Bowls Club – Miracles Do Happen
By Lesley Bates and Alf Strano
What was recognised as a serious problem in the late 1940s, has now been rectified after 75 years of lobbying Council, State and Federal Governments. Shane Knuth was a champion of the club’s cause after being asked to become involved two years ago.
The embankment has been stabilised and the green was replaced with a needle punch carpet. Seven day’s work laying the carpet was completed in four days with club volunteers putting in 13-hour days to have everything ready for the pennant season. It is hoped that there will be enough funds in reserve to construct disabled toilets.
The 100-year anniversary of the club is due in 2023 and plans are in place to renew the kitchen, replace the bar fridge doors and paint an indigenous themed mural on the front block wall. The organising committee would love to have 100 donations of shirts from different clubs to display.
The next big project is to investigate covering the green with a light-weight dome structure. A new cover will encourage more school participation, barefoot bowlers and the next generation to use the facility. The oppressive heat and plentiful rain is a big factor in keeping clients away and hindering the prospects of hosting major events.